Yes, you need a Denver criminal defense lawyer to plea bargain. While accepting a plea bargain might seem like the easiest way out when facing criminal charges, it’s not always as straightforward as it appears. It might help you avoid a trial but also carries hidden risks. Prosecutors design plea deals to serve the state’s interests, not yours. And without a strong legal advocate, you could unknowingly accept terms that
Sex Crime Accusations Require Serious, Aggressive Representation
You probably don’t need to be told that sex crimes are taken seriously in Denver and the United States as a whole, or that a sex crime allegation can carry both harsh penalties and irreparable damage to your reputation. The consequences of a sex crime conviction will affect the rest of your life, which is why you need the best criminal defense attorney available.
If you choose to work with Colorado criminal lawyer Kimberly Diego, she will closely review your case and do everything in her power to obtain the most favorable outcome possible. In some cases, she is able to argue that your charge should be reduced to a non sex-related offense with a less severe sentence. Whatever the circumstances, you can trust that Ms. Diego will represent your best interests and defend your rights in and out of the courtroom.
A Compassionate Defense Attorney Who Knows What’s At Stake
Although the term “sex crimes” covers a wide range of charges, most of these charges are classified as felonies. These include such charges as unlawful sexual contact, sexual assault, sexual assault of a child, indecent exposure, or the Internet exploitation of a child. There are certain circumstances, such as indecent exposure based upon an act of streaking, that may be a Class 1 misdemeanor, but even this lesser charge could result in you paying fines, serving time on probation, entering into treatment – and having to register as a sex offender! Once you’re registered as a sex offender, it can be difficult to get a job that requires a background check, find a suitable residence, take out loans, or even participate in certain educational programs.
The Colorado judicial system is particularly harsh on those who allegedly commit a felony sex offense, and if you’re convicted of a felony sex offense you could face a lifetime in prison. In fact, the number of men and women serving life sentences for a sex crime in our state is now 41 times greater than it was less than two decades ago. Even if you don’t receive a lifetime sentence, you’ll still leave prison with the stigma that comes with being labeled a sex offender, and this branding will negatively impact the way you’re able to live your life.
No matter what the charge, you need to take it extremely seriously and contact a skilled defense attorney as soon as possible. Denver criminal lawyer Kimberly Diego will fight to minimize the effect these charges will have on your present and your future because she understands what is at stake for you. Whenever possible, she will work to make sure that your charge doesn’t become a conviction.
Your Criminal Defense Attorney Should Be Your Toughest Advocate
You may feel embarrassed or ashamed if you’re accused of a sex crime, even if the allegations aren’t true, but you can’t let that stop you from fighting for your rights. When you need the services of a Denver defense lawyer, you can rely on the compassionate and non-judgmental approach of Kimberly Diego. She gives all her clients her full personal attention and treats their cases with respect and sensitivity.
At the same time, she is unafraid to mount an aggressive and assertive defense in or out of court. Ms. Diego has years of experience successfully handling sex crime cases very similar to your own, and she will use her legal acumen and knowledge of the Denver court system to your advantage. Her skill and expertise can make all the difference as you attempt to avoid the deleterious effects that a sex crime charge can bring. She has already prepared strong, solid defenses for a wide range of sex crime charges involving such issues as:
- Indecent Exposure: While some people might view indecent exposure as largely harmless, the Colorado court system does not see it that way. Although this crime is typically a class 1 misdemeanor, it can be upgraded to a felony if the individual has two previous convictions for indecent exposure.
- Indeterminate Sentencing: Under the Sex Offender Lifetime Supervision Act passed in Colorado in 1998, felony sex offenders may be subject to indeterminate sentencing, which can translate to a lifetime in prison if they don’t have a strong advocate in their defense attorney.
- Invasion of Privacy: This includes either watching a person undress or taking photos of their intimate parts without their consent.
- Sex Assault on a Child: This offense occurs when someone subjects a child younger than 15 to any kind of sexual contact, so long as the defendant is at least four years older than the child. This is one of the most serious types of sex crimes you could be accused of, and if you’re facing charges it’s incredibly important that you talk to a defense attorney before talking to the police.
- Sex Offender Registration: If convicted of a sex crime, you will be required to register as a sex offender. You must remain registered until you are successfully able to petition the court to allow you to deregister.
- Unlawful Sexual Contact: This offense occurs when the accused subjects the alleged victim to sexual contact without their consent, or when the accused induces someone under the age of 18 to engage in any kind of sexual contact.
- Internet Luring: Typically a class 5 felony, Internet luring occurs when an individual communicates over electronic means with a person they believe is under 15 (provided the accused is at least four years older) and describes explicit sexual conduct or asks the child to meet them in person.
Kimberly Diego: A Valuable Resource in Your Sex Crime Case
Kimberly Diego has also prepared online resources that anyone can use to learn more about sex crime laws in Colorado, including:
- Who Is a Sex Offender?: Although there is a wide range of crimes that can result in a sex offender conviction, everyone who meets the definition of a sex offender is required to register as one.
- Polygraph Testing in Sex Crime Prosecution and Defense: When law enforcement officials are investigating a sex crime, they may ask a suspect to submit to a polygraph examination. While the results of the polygraph test are not admissible as evidence in court, they can be used to establish sufficient cause to make an arrest.
- Sex Offender Probation: There are strict rules and regulations that apply to sex offender probation. Living arrangements must be approved by a probation officer, and contact with any children is either completely restricted or closely monitored.
- Sex Offender Registry Removal: While petitioning to be deregistered as a sex offender can be difficult, Kimberly Diego works hard for clients who are trying to shake off the condemning label of a sex offender.
Contact Sex Crimes, Attorney Kimberly Diego, As Soon As Possible
When you’ve been accused of something as grave as a sex crime, you need to start working with an experienced defense attorney as soon as possible. It is inadvisable to talk to the police, submit to a polygraph exam, or represent yourself without first meeting with a well-qualified Denver criminal lawyer like Kimberly Diego.
To contact the Law Office of Kimberly Diego and set up a free consultation, call 720-257-5346 or fill out a short case review form. Don’t wait—contact Denver defense attorney Kimberly Diego today.