Yes, you need a Denver criminal defense lawyer to plea bargain. While accepting a plea bargain might seem like the easiest way out when facing criminal charges, it’s not always as straightforward as it appears. It might help you avoid a trial but also carries hidden risks. Prosecutors design plea deals to serve the state’s interests, not yours. And without a strong legal advocate, you could unknowingly accept terms that
Denver Pardon Lawyer Kimberly Diego
Those who are not eligible to seal or expunge their criminal records often wonder whether they are stuck with their criminal conviction for life. They are not, but their only recourse is definitely a long-shot: the Governor’s Pardon, which is essentially public forgiveness for a crime committed after the completion of the sentence for that crime. The Governor has the authority to issue pardons in all cases except those involving treason or impeachment. The Executive Clemency Advisory Board makes recommendations to the Governor on all pardon applications. The Board only recommends an individual for pardon if at least four members of the Board must vote to recommend the pardon.
Am I eligible to receive a pardon?
To be eligible to receive a pardon, you must have completed your sentence and demonstrate that you have been fully rehabilitated and reintegrated into society. Additionally, seven years must have passed since the completion of your sentence if the charge involved is a felony. For a misdemeanor charge, the waiting period for a pardon application is only three years following the completion of that sentence.
Where do I obtain the form necessary for requesting a pardon?
Here is the link to the pardon application for your convenience.
Prior to beginning the pardon procedure, and working on your personal letter stating the reasons for your clemency request along with other mitigation, you should gather the following paperwork:
- Federal and State tax return transcripts for the last five years.
- Verification of employment for the past five years.
- Pay stubs for the last three months from the current employer.
- Five letters of reference, (Letter must be addressed to the Governor, be dated, include
language indicating that the letter is for a pardon application, and include the writer’s contact
information.) - Reports from community parole officer/probation officer addressing adjustment to community
placement - Sentence discharge documents
- Color photocopy of driver’s license
- Current FBI record or arrest record, with a completed fingerprint card
Does it cost anything to submit an application for pardon?
No, there are no fees for applying for a pardon.
What happens after I have completed the forms?
Your application will be processed, and the information contained therein will be verified. The director will convene the Executive Clemency Advisory Board. After review of application packets, the board recommendations are forwarded to the Governor. However, the board may set aside an application for consideration at a later date. Once submitted, the Governor takes the application under advisement.
Do I need an attorney to assist me in handling the pardon application process?
While many petitions for a pardon without the assistance of an attorney, an attorney may be able to assist you in the process and to assess how to best establish that you have been rehabilitated.
Contact the Law Office of Kimberly Diego When You Need a Formidable Denver Criminal Defense Lawyer. When you need a criminal defense attorney who can provide you with top-quality legal representation and individualized, personalized service, Denver pardon lawyer Kimberly Diego provides that level of service to every client she represents. Call 720.257.5346 for a free consultation or simply fill out the FREE CASE REVIEW form and a representative from the Law Office of Kimberly Diego will contact you as soon as possible.