Category: Theft


“Theft crimes” is a broad term that includes a number of specific criminal charges. However, all theft crimes involve taking a person’s property without their permission.


Theft crimes can vary widely in their degree of severity, encompassing everything from shoplifting to armed robbery. Usually, the criminal charge for a theft crime is based on the value of the items that were taken. However, there are other factors that

The advent of the internet has given rise to a special type of theft crime—identity theft.

Identity theft involves using another’s identity without their consent for your own benefit. Typically, identity theft is used to for financial gain—for instance, to apply for credit cards, loans, or housing. With identity theft crimes, offenders take personal information from a victim without their consent by illegal means, such as stealing their mail, wallet,

Local law enforcement agencies in Colorado are focusing on solving property crimes, such as motor vehicle thefts and burglaries, by sending DNA evidence to a new forensics lab in Boulder. This means that police in Colorado are more likely to show up to the scene of a property crime with a portable lab kit that allows them to swab for DNA samples and identify them using FBI’s Combined DNA Index

If you were asked to define the word “theft,” you’d probably say something like, “taking property that belongs to someone else” or “depriving someone of their belongings with no intention of giving them back.” When we define theft, it sounds straightforward—we should be able to look at an incident and say it either is or isn’t theft. In practice, however, it’s a little more complicated. This was illustrated particularly well

It is common for someone charged with shoplifting to be faced with the prospect of video evidence in his or her case, capturing the act of the alleged shoplifting – particularly when the store involved is a larger store like a supermarket, department store, or somewhere like Target or Wal Mart, as opposed to a small business.


Faced with video evidence, a person charged with shoplifting may understandably feel