Category: Motor Vehicle Theft

Vehicle theft is on the rise in Colorado, which means that your chances of being charged with it rise in tandem with the crime rate.

According to the Denver Post, the first quarter of 2021 saw a 114 percent increase in the rate of auto theft compared to the previous year. That’s a significant increase – one the local authorities are trying their best to manage.

If you are caught


There are two general types of criminal charges in Colorado: misdemeanors and felonies. Within each of these categories are hundreds of different types of crimes, including assault, theft, or possession of controlled substances. Many of these acts can be charged as either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the amount of damage done or the amount of substances involved.


Let’s take a look at theft.


Some theft crimes


Crime is on the rise here in our state.


In a single year – from 2015 to 2016 – the overall crime rate went up 5.5% according to a recent report released by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.


Homicides went up 9.9%. Rapes went up 7.2%. Aggravated assaults went up 8.3%. Robberies went up 5.9%. Larceny – more commonly known as theft – went up 4.3%. The