Category: DWI

If you’re arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence in Colorado, you need to be aware of the many complex aspects that comprise how the law works in this state. Charges, sentencing, and punishment can be complex. It will behoove you to understand your role in the process.

Here is what you need to know about laws and penalties for DUIs in Colorado. We’ll address “express consent” as it

The Mile-High 420 festival may have been canceled this year, but Colorado law enforcement and Mothers Against Drunk Driving were still out in full force encouraging people to stay at home during the unofficial 4/20 holiday.

Why? Because driving under the influence of marijuana is dangerous.

It can also land the user in big legal trouble. Marijuana use may be legal in Colorado but driving while under its influence certainly


During New Year’s Eve, it’s easy to get caught up in celebration. Everyone is having a good time and drinking more than they normally do. It’s easy to do the same!


That said, law enforcement officials are aware that people tend to let loose this time of year, and they take measures to crack down on people driving illegally.


If you were caught in Colorado’s annual New


Halloween is increasingly popular for adults, and frequently involves the consumption of adult beverages. Unfortunately, many Coloradans choose to get behind the wheel intoxicated, and every year, dozens of die in DUI accidents over Halloween and Halloween weekend.


In an effort to mitigate these statistics, the annual Heat is on Halloween enforcement involving 90-plus Colorado law enforcement agencies, increases patrols and DUI checkpoints statewide. Every year, hundreds of


This is a common question, but determining how many drinks you can have depends on the circumstances. Your gender, body weight, how fast you’re drinking and the type of alcoholic drink consumed, as well as whether you’ve eaten any food, all factor in.


In today’s post, we share the basics of the legal limits for drunk driving, and how you might be able to glean some idea of