Category: DUI

Since legalizing recreational marijuana, Colorado policymakers have been focusing on some of the implications of this policy, including the potential for stoned driving. While some recreational users insist that weed doesn’t impair their ability to drive, lawmakers consider driving under the influence of marijuana to be the same as driving under the influence of any other prescription painkiller—since you can’t judge your own level of impairment, you shouldn’t get behind

There’s a reason we have laws against driving under the influence: drunk driving compromises judgment, impairs reaction time, and is one of the leading causes of car accidents in the United States. We’ve created laws to curb this danger, but the laws can’t be effective unless they apply to everyone—and there’s evidence that police officers and lawmakers are sometimes getting free passes when caught red-handed.


One of the most

I was asleep in my car, but I got charged with DUI – shouldn’t my case be dropped?


Not everyone who gets charged with a DUI was caught driving, and pulled over by a police officer. Many folks charged with DUI were never pulled over; they were contacted by a law enforcement officer because they were asleep in their vehicle. This can be confusing to some because the “driving”

A DUI case can easily become something much more serious if there is a serious injury or even a death involved. In those cases, a DUI charge is elevated to a charge of Vehicular Assault or Vehicular Homicide.


Any time a DUI or DUID is elevated to a charge of Vehicular Assault or Vehicular Homicide, the legal standard that applies is one of strict liability. What that means is