Category: DUI

Remember last St. Patrick’s Day?


If not, you’re not alone. On St. Patrick’s Day weekend, Colorado’s pubs, bars, and private homes flood with partiers dressed in green, celebrating the holiday with copious amounts of drinking. Over the course of one St. Patrick’s Day weekend alone, police arrested 471 drivers in our state on the suspicion of intoxication. According to reports, the highest number of arrests were made by the

The vast majority of US states have felony DUI laws that enforce harsh penalties on repeat offenders. In fact, Colorado is one of only five states that currently do not have a felony DUI law in place. That means that regardless of the number of previous DUI convictions you have, the maximum punishment a DUI offender can receive under Colorado law is heavy fines, license suspension, and one year in

Even if you’ve never taken one before, most people are familiar with the Breathalyzer test. Police officers may administer a Breathalyzer test after pulling over a driver suspected of drunk driving, but only if there are reasonable grounds to do so. Since an officer must have “reasonable suspicion” in order to administer this test, other preliminary tests must be performed prior to the Breathalyzer. These preliminary tests are referred to

As marijuana use becomes more widely accepted across the United States, questions are arising in regards to whether or not new laws should be put in place, and how existing laws might change to accommodate the legalization of the drug. Now, states that have legalized marijuana use for whatever reason must come up with some answers about the extent to which marijuana will be tolerated, especially when it comes to

Drinking and driving is a serious offense no matter what your age, but it is especially serious if you are under the age of 21 and therefore cannot legally drink. While drivers who are over the age of 21 will be charged with a DUI if their blood-alcohol content is .08% or higher, younger drivers can be charged with an Underage Drinking and Driving Offense (UDD) or DUI even if