Category: Drug Crimes

In the 1980s, many states – including Colorado – created legislation that began to enhance sentencing for certain drug crimes based on where the crimes were committed. It is the birth of this type of legislation that gave us Drug-Free Zones.

The idea behind Drug-Free Zones is to discourage the commission of crimes in places where children are more likely to be present, such as schools. However, Colorado doesn’t simply

Colorado is a state that has made major strides regarding drug crimes. Many drug crimes have been decriminalized, and the state has worked hard to recognize that drug addiction and abuse aren’t issues that will be solved with prison time.

This is why you may find if you’re accused of a drug crime that the court sentences you not to time in jail but to drug rehabilitation. This court-ordered rehab

Even though drug laws have changed in the state of Colorado, there are many other laws regarding drug crimes still on the books that remain very serious. Drug trafficking is one of those drug crimes.

If you are accused of drug trafficking in Colorado, then you must understand not only the charges the state is bringing against you and what the laws are – but also your rights in the

While the state of Colorado has gotten a lot of attention for its decriminalization of some drugs, that doesn’t mean that anything goes in our state. It is still a crime to manufacture, sell, possess, and use controlled substances.

However, the law in Colorado surrounding drug crimes has become complex. That’s why it’s imperative to have an experienced attorney on your side if you find yourself facing drug charges.


It is unfortunate that there is a nationwide crisis involving prescription drugs in the United States, something that has reached into communities across Colorado, as well. Prosecutors are attempting to crack down on certain crimes involving prescription drugs, like prescription fraud.

There’s a lot to understand about prescription fraud in Colorado since it’s a crime that reaches beyond simple medical providers and into the lives of everyday Coloradans. Here’s what