Category: Domestic Violence

Domestic violence crimes impact the lives of many people.

Up until this point, the court system in Colorado focused on helping adult victims of domestic violence. They did not protect children to the same extent. Now, with the horrific death of a child at the hands of his father, the way the law operates for children in domestic violence situations is going to change.

In September 2019, a judge sent

Denver’s annual domestic violence report was just released on September 21st and it has some interesting information about domestic violence in Denver this year.

Overall, crimes related to domestic violence are down in 2020 when compared with the same period last year. Still, domestic violence is an issue here, with an average of 5.3 domestic violence crimes reported each day.

So what sorts of actions constitute domestic violence? What


Many people have a narrow conception of what domestic violence looks like. Typically, they envision a scared wife cowering from an abusive husband. Domestic violence can take many forms, however.


Not only can it include a variety of family members as well as significant others, but it also includes violence among same-sex partners.


Violence in the Colorado LGBTQ Community


The LGBTQ community has been slow to


Domestic violence is a tragic reality in relationships across the county. Lawmakers, social workers, and educators have worked hard to assess the causes and what actions should be taken to curb domestic violence deaths.


The solutions are not easy to find. Not all domestic violence cases are the same. One in four women have experienced domestic violence, but one in nine men are also victims of domestic violence.


Domestic violence is an epidemic throughout the United States, and Colorado has chosen a more aggressive approach than most states in fighting it – but these policies don’t always work in favor of the victim. In fact, victims themselves may even be charged with domestic violence, which can result in jail time, loss of custody, and other serious penalties.


Protect yourself with the knowledge of Colorado’s domestic violence