Category: Criminal Defense

If you make Denver County’s median household income (about $49,000) and get hit with a traffic ticket or court fees for a misdemeanor, you could likely resolve the issue without significant financial suffering. You might not be happy about paying fines and other costs, but you probably wouldn’t have to worry about not being able to provide for your family anymore or being at risk of losing the roof over

I was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, but the drugs were not mine. What should I do?


I frequently am contacted by potential criminal defense clients that want to know why they have been charged with drug possession when the drugs they are alleged to have possessed were not theirs.


Under Colorado law, possession can be either actual or constructive. Possession is actual where the defendant

I was asleep in my car, but I got charged with DUI – shouldn’t my case be dropped?


Not everyone who gets charged with a DUI was caught driving, and pulled over by a police officer. Many folks charged with DUI were never pulled over; they were contacted by a law enforcement officer because they were asleep in their vehicle. This can be confusing to some because the “driving”

Unfortunately, the safeguards put in place to protect victims of domestic violence are often manipulated, and used in a way that perhaps was not intended by those who created the laws as they exist in Colorado today.


Oftentimes, domestic violence charges can arise out of a nasty breakup or even a divorce. While some of these charges certainly are not unfounded, others are brought forward as a means of

“I’m too rich” may soon be on its way out as a criminal defense, at least in California. That’s because California Assemblyman Mike Gatto has introduced a bill that would prevent attorneys from using the controversial idea of “affluenza” as a defense or mitigating factor in criminal cases.


Affluenza, for those who haven’t heard the buzzword, is essentially the idea that extremely wealthy young people can’t be held responsible