Category: Criminal Defense

While republicans and democrats may disagree on everything from taxes to abortion laws, there’s one thing both political parties appear to strongly agree on—there are some big criminal problems with our criminal justice system.


As we come to the third month of 2015, many hot issues are coming to the surface that politicians and civilians alike realize need to be addressed. Some of the most important problems facing our


Even if they have never been read to you, you are probably at least vaguely familiar with the Miranda rights—you know, the “Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law” spiel. What you might not know, however, is that this rule isn’t limited to the things you say once you’re in police custody. Courts are also generally able to take quotes from

For years, law enforcement officers in Colorado have lamented the fact that a large percentage of crimes go unreported because victims are afraid of what will happen to them if they contact the police. But we’re not talking about people worried about reprisal from representatives of organized crime, or even domestic violence victims scared that the person abusing them will retaliate. Who are these silent victims? Illegal immigrants.



If you make Denver County’s median household income (about $49,000) and get hit with a traffic ticket or court fees for a misdemeanor, you could likely resolve the issue without significant financial suffering. You might not be happy about paying fines and other costs, but you probably wouldn’t have to worry about not being able to provide for your family anymore or being at risk of losing the roof over

I was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, but the drugs were not mine. What should I do?


I frequently am contacted by potential criminal defense clients that want to know why they have been charged with drug possession when the drugs they are alleged to have possessed were not theirs.


Under Colorado law, possession can be either actual or constructive. Possession is actual where the defendant