Category: Criminal Defense

Protection orders, also called restraining orders, limit your freedoms and can be emotionally stressful. Restraining orders are often filed by exes or family members and may prohibit defendants from seeing their children, other loved ones – even pets!


Each order is different, but penalties for violating protection orders are serious. So it is important to learn as much as you can about your next steps upon receiving a protection


Except in extremely rare circumstances, criminal defense cases do not go down like they do on television. Still, it’s not uncommon for clients to why things aren’t like they are on Law & Order or The Good Wife. This is just one of many criminal defense myths that lawyers must dispel when working with a new client.


The truth is that navigating criminal law, your rights, and


Back in October, a 14-year-old student at Northfield High School was handcuffed, dragged out of a bathroom, and charged with assault.


Why was Ashanti Mills treated this way? And, why, six months after the incident, was she still facing a resisting arrest charge? Because she wore a headband to school.


The purple bandanna the Denver student wore is supposedly violation of the dress code – though Mills


Everyone knows that criminal convictions can result in consequences such as hefty fines and lengthy prison sentences. But other consequences of conviction can also profoundly affect the life of the convicted individual – as well as that person’s loved ones.


The burdens placed on a convicted criminal can make it difficult for that person to re-enter society and live a productive life as a good citizen. Below we’re


Getting charged with a crime in Denver can be one of the most stressful, confusing, and overwhelming times in your life. But it doesn’t have to be. With the help of an experienced and skilled criminal defense attorney, the chances that your charges will be reduced, dropped, or dismissed will increase greatly.


A criminal lawyer can use their in-depth knowledge of Colorado laws to help in all kinds