When you think of vehicle theft, you may picture someone hijacking a car and driving away into the distance. Or maybe a car theft organization that operates a chop shop.


Stories in the media tend to support this. Right now, Colorado Springs is on the lookout for two young people involved in a motor vehicle theft ring. Four arrests have already been made, and three of the stolen


Getting stopped by the police on suspicion of a DUI – or for any reason – can be a stressful and nerve-racking experience. But how you react and interact with a police officer once you’ve been pulled over is important, because your actions could potentially be used as probable cause for a search – or even used against you in order to ensure a conviction.


That’s why it’s


Except in extremely rare circumstances, criminal defense cases do not go down like they do on television. Still, it’s not uncommon for clients to why things aren’t like they are on Law & Order or The Good Wife. This is just one of many criminal defense myths that lawyers must dispel when working with a new client.


The truth is that navigating criminal law, your rights, and


Back in October, a 14-year-old student at Northfield High School was handcuffed, dragged out of a bathroom, and charged with assault.


Why was Ashanti Mills treated this way? And, why, six months after the incident, was she still facing a resisting arrest charge? Because she wore a headband to school.


The purple bandanna the Denver student wore is supposedly violation of the dress code – though Mills


Over the last few decades, lawmakers have come to recognize that domestic violence is a serious issue in our country. Charges and penalties have been increased to punish offenders and serve as a deterrent to anyone who might be inclined to engage in this kind of behavior.


But in an effort to protect victims, we have turned domestic violence charges into something that can completely derail an individual’s