The laws regarding weapons and firearms in our state are constantly changing, and the debate about our second amendment rights rages on. Because of this, it is vital that all people who own firearms and other weapons to keep themselves updated on the laws.


To that end, this blog post will offer refresher on some basic laws and rules about using and owning weapons in our state. Still, knowing


We all have those little expenses that turn into big chunks of our paycheck. Heading to Starbucks for your morning coffee. Stopping for fast food because you don’t have time for anything else.


Do these things once or twice and the money involved will be pretty small. Do them a few times a week for a month, though, and it adds up fast.


Well, the same concept

Domestic violence is a tragic occurrence, and it is something that happens far too often both in our state and our country as a whole. How often? The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control says that 1 in 3 women will be victims of domestic violence in their lifetime. Perhaps even more shocking is the fact that 1 in 4 men will also be victims of domestic violence.



When you think of big drug crimes, something resembling the plot of Breaking Bad may enter your mind. You might imagine large-scale drug trafficking rings of heroin or cocaine that are run by violent drug dealers who live a lavish life in secrecy.


Does this really match the reality, though? Sometimes. Not all drug crimes involve dealers making and selling illegal drugs, however. Drug diversion is a crime

As the world becomes more globalized and we can reach and communicate with more and more people in seconds, crimes themselves become more complex and harder to classify.


Case-in-point: with advancements in technology, financial or otherwise, there are many different types of fraud that can be committed. So if you are charged with fraud, how can you know what penalties you face, and how you can begin building a