Colorado does not have a standalone statute or charge dedicated to domestic violence. After all, domestic violence cannot be defined by one single action.


Instead, domestic violence (DV) is a broad term that is separated into a handful of categories. Physical violence is just one type of domestic violence, and is not the only type of DV that is against Colorado law.


In other words, even if


Coloradans are arrested for drinking and driving in the summer more often than any other time of the year. In this post, we’ll talk about why that’s true, and we’ll also let you know what to do if you end up with a DUI this summer.


Summer Drinking Stats Across the U.S.


Here are some summer drinking statistics that may surprise you:


In 2015, there were


Summer brings fun times and relaxation to most Colorado kids, but it can also be the time some minors have run-ins with the law. We’ll show you what kind of crimes to watch out for with your child, and what

to do if your kid gets into trouble.


Most Common Juvenile Crimes in Colorado


These are the most common types of crimes Colorado juveniles commit.


  • Graffiti


Shoplifting is a major cause of revenue loss in any retail operation. However, there is another significant source of revenue loss for businesses – employee theft.


In fact, studies have shown that employee theft is even more common than shoplifting. According to surveys, a whopping 95% of employees in the US workforce admit to stealing from their employer at some time or another. Although many cases of employee


Three people were recently arrested in Longmont for allegedly intending to distribute cocaine. The arrests were made after a two-month-long investigation by the Boulder County Drug Task Force.  All three suspects face felony charges for suspicion of unlawful cocaine possession with intent to distribute


The investigation was initiated when an informant gave information about a potential cocaine dealer in the area. Undercover officers then set up a sting