A number of crimes can be prosecuted at either the state or federal level, depending on the circumstances of the alleged offense and the discretion of federal prosecutors. The level at which you are charged is very important, since federal prosecution generally carries much more severe penalties, and crimes tend to be defined more stringently.


However, child abuse is a bit unique in this regard.


How so?


Tax season is here. Hooray?


Even if you have been filing returns for decades, you probably still run into questions or confusion over your taxes, and the pressure of getting everything “right” on your returns doesn’t make the stress any easier. Inconsistencies or mistakes on tax returns can result in an audit, which can lead to penalties and big fines – and even if it doesn’t, you’ll still


St. Patrick’s Day is famously known for two things: the color green, and celebratory alcohol consumption. Neither of these things is anything close to a secret, and the state of Colorado works hard to curb impaired driving around the holiday.


Traditionally, CDOT (Colorado Department of Transport), CSP (Colorado State Patrol), and local enforcement combine efforts in arresting impaired drivers. In 2017, their “The Heat Is On” campaign resulted


Batterer – it’s not a pretty stigma. However, if you are charged with domestic battery, stigma and damage to your reputation will be just a few of the many consequences you face.


Even an accusation of domestic violence will trigger an automatic protective order. This order is intended to protect the alleged victim, but it results in severe restrictions on the defendant’s civil liberties – especially if the


The idea of someone running around flashing people can seem ridiculous and silly, but police and medical authorities say it’s no joke. Research on sexual deviance reveals that these initial and seemingly harmless acts can lead to worse crimes.


It is thought that the two most common payoffs for offenders are a) simply shock value or b) some unfounded fantasy that when the victim sees the offender exposed,