In Colorado, you may find yourself standing before a judge if you post or distribute intimate images of your lover or spouse online after a breakup. How so?


Harassing your former significant other by posting nude images without his or her permission is a violation of Colorado’s revenge porn laws. These laws also apply to strangers who post images they find when they hack into someone else’s device


Everyone loves a good Halloween prank, and teens are notorious for taking these sorts of things too far. In fact, many Halloween pranks gone awry can result in criminal charges.


For your teen, this could mean severely compromising his or her future college and employment prospects. Let’s take a look at the criminal charges that can result from Halloween fun that seems to have gotten a little too


Insurance fraud refers to any fraudulent act committed with the intent to obtain an improper payment from an insurer. Every year, insurance fraud costs companies billions of dollars.


No sector of the insurance market is immune to insurance fraud or the potential for fraud. Policyholders, and in some cases insurance agents or adjusters, have defrauded all types of insurers, such as health insurance, auto insurance, homeowner’s insurance, and


While roughhousing and bullies have existed in schools for many generations, it seems like schools nowadays are getting more violent and even downright dangerous.


Students regularly participate in school shooter drills. Security officers are hired to make sure students don’t bring guns into class. Violence at all levels, even simple roughhousing, is being taken more seriously than it ever has.


In Colorado, this means that law enforcement


Even for a first-time offense, a Colorado DUI conviction is costly and can have life-changing consequences. Moreover, driving drunk risks not only your own life but that of other drivers on the road.


Clearly, a DUI should be avoided by all means.


However, avoiding driving drunk is sometimes not as easy as it sounds. Who among us hasn’t driven home after having a few at some point?