Many people have a narrow conception of what domestic violence looks like. Typically, they envision a scared wife cowering from an abusive husband. Domestic violence can take many forms, however.


Not only can it include a variety of family members as well as significant others, but it also includes violence among same-sex partners.


Violence in the Colorado LGBTQ Community


The LGBTQ community has been slow to


White-collar crimes are not solved overnight. States may investigate alleged fraudsters for years before a ruling is made. Victims may not see restitution for decades.


This is how the case involving Heartland Energy Development Corporation (HEDC) is playing out. The state has been investigating the company for alleged crimes dating back to 2002, and the story is not over yet.


After a judge ruled the company did


Many people think they know what robbery means, but in the legal system, definitions often vary from the common vocabulary. For instance, a lot of us use theft and robbery interchangeably in everyday conversation.


Legally speaking, however, the two acts describe different things, and aggravated robbery is yet even more distinct.


If you find yourself in a situation where you need to know the difference between the


Even the best of us can get caught in a bad situation at times. Unfortunately, sometimes these situations can result in legal action, including probation.


Probation is supervised time in place of incarceration, and you’ll want to make sure you successfully complete your probation to avoid having to face more serious criminal consequences.


If you’re worried about violating your probation, here are some important tips to remember.


In September 2019, the Northern Colorado Drug Task Force (NCDTF) arrested 10 people, who face more than 120 felony allegations, including COCCA charges.


It was all part of Operation Malverde, an eight-month-long investigation by the NCDTF that by all accounts was incredibly successful. Beyond the arrests, the Berthoud Weekly Surveyor reported that the NCDTF seized weapons, illegal drugs, and cash. Numerous suspects are still at large.

