When it comes to issues surrounding family, love, money, and custody of children (just to name a few), tensions can run high. Sometimes incidents occur that lead to the issuance of a restraining order.

At some point down the road that the restraining order is (hopefully) no longer needed. This is not unheard of in courts in Colorado, which is why there is a process for having a restraining order

No one likes being arrested. You may not even agree with the reason you’ve been given as the basis for your arrest. However, you must comply with the police when you are being arrested.

Failure to do so can result in charges of resisting arrest, which can complicate any criminal proceedings against you in court.

Here’s what you need to know about resisting arrest in Colorado, your rights under the

If you get in trouble with the law and wade into the waters of the criminal justice system, you may face probation instead of jail for your crimes.

What is probation? How is it violated? Most importantly, what can happen if you violate it? Read on to find out what you need to know if you’re serving a probation sentence in Colorado and what comes next if you violate its

Most people understand the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor. Unfortunately, not that many people are familiar with the legal specifics related to misdemeanor classes in Colorado and the penalties associated with them.

Because of this, when some people find themselves facing misdemeanor charges, they may not understand how serious they can be.

A group of Colorado construction workers who were recently alleged to have been paid under the

Crimes involving computers can be a bit confusing. That’s because the internet provides users anonymity along with a false sense of security. So when something does go wrong and a crime like digital forgery occurs, what happens next?

The internet can be a dangerous place and the laws surrounding crimes perpetrated using it are relatively new. Here’s what you need to know.

Digital Forgery: What Is It?

Digital forgery is