When most Coloradoans think of crimes associated with cannabis, their first thought is illegal possession and drug trafficking.

Those aren’t the only crimes that can be connected with drugs, though. Times are changing, and white-collar crime has expanded to include weed schemes as well.

Recently, a Colorado man was found guilty of marijuana fraud. He had been found guilty of racketeering and securities fraud, among other crimes, related to marijuana.

When you undertake a partnership with an attorney, it may not always be as straightforward as you think. Even cases that aren’t that complicated legally can become complicated when it comes to attorney’s fees and your expectations as a client.

A retainer agreement is one tool you can use to help formalize and clarify obligations and roles between you and your attorney, but is it always the right move?


When it comes to what health care providers must disclose to their patients, things are changing in Colorado for the better.

Thanks to a law recently passed in the Colorado State Legislature (SB20-102), any healthcare provider who has been convicted of a sex offense must disclose it to their patients.

Patients will then have to consent to be treated by them and acknowledge they were told of the past offense

Christmas is a time to share – and a time to shower others with gestures of goodwill and happiness.

Even the Grinch, who found it in his heart to return all the gifts to Whoville (and bring some cheer to Littleton in real life) understood the error of his ways. Real life isn’t quite as simple as recognizing why you did something wrong, though. The difference between those who are

Did you know that if you are found in possession of tools associated with drug use, even if no drugs are found, that you can be arrested in Colorado? It’s true!

Possession of drug paraphernalia a serious crime in Colorado. Just as with other drug offenses, it goes on your criminal record and can have a huge impact on the rest of your life.

That’s why it critical to understand