It’s not uncommon for people who are facing criminal charges to wonder if they really need a lawyer. After all, hiring an experienced attorney can be costly, and many domestic violence cases involve victims that may not even want to press charges. So is it really that serious?

The truth is that a Colorado domestic violence conviction brings with it serious consequences that can impact the rest of your life.

While the state of Colorado has gotten a lot of attention for its decriminalization of some drugs, that doesn’t mean that anything goes in our state. It is still a crime to manufacture, sell, possess, and use controlled substances.

However, the law in Colorado surrounding drug crimes has become complex. That’s why it’s imperative to have an experienced attorney on your side if you find yourself facing drug charges.


For many people, pulling pranks like streaking or going skinny dipping is normalized by television and movies – where the police are rarely involved. But in reality, exposing yourself in a public place is against the law and could be considered indecent exposure in Colorado.

How does Colorado define indecent exposure, and how much legal trouble can you really get into for it? Read on to find out.

Indecent Exposure

Most people understand the basics of laws surrounding driving under the influence (DUI) in Colorado. However, it’s a good idea for those who operate a vehicle on Colorado roads to know all the laws in the state that can influence the outcome of a DUI case.

Are you surprised that there may be more than one law that can impact your case? Many people are. That’s why it’s always a